When you enter ISM Hebron's apartment, you will notice that there are a lot of posters and signs and tips and words of wisdom that others leave behind.
Our mirror fell to the ground, but one of our very resourceful members from Italy managed to fix it.
Since water is scarce, we only flush after a "Number 2"
Toilet paper is not put into the toilet, but a bag, which is thrown out after the paper has accumulated.
Quotes by famous people.
A reminder to use electricity wisely.
Living in a Palestinian neighbourhood, people in the ISM apartment experience water shortages like our friends. Unlike Israeli settlers, we do not have unlimited water.
Open Shuhada Street is a campaignt that is waged by Palestinians, Israelis and internationals to end the discrimination against Palestinians in Hebron, but particularly on Shuhada, where they are not allowed to even walk down on.
Palestinian flag
More art
A visual scholarly presentation about how to properly dispose of toilet paper in our apartment bathroom.
It is important when you leave to take your passport, camera and phone
Some "Words of Wisdom" by ISMers, present and past:
"This was not on the website!"
"Shishas are to shebab what M-16s are to settlers"
"You know you have been to Khalil when you can sleep through gunshots"
... there are many more.
To see them, you have to join ISM.
Thanks for the pictures you posted and all your sharing of daily life and your home away from home. Jen Take care of yourself as well.