Monday, July 21, 2014

Massive demonstration against invasion of Gaza

On Sunday, I went with some ISMers and other activists to observe a demonstration against the Israeli government's bombing and invasion of Gaza. There were between 1,000 and 2,000 people who came out. People from all different ages were there, men and women. Some were waving flags belonging to different Palestinian armed groups, including Hamas. My view on armed groups and armies and violence committed- by anyone- is very well known to anyone who is reading this blog, so I will not repeat it here. The protest was very loud, but peaceful. People were chanting, yelling, clapping, and singing.

The demonstrators marched to an Israeli checkpoint, and at that point some two hundred youth came to the front to confront the soldiers. For both theological and safety reasons, I try to keep away from clashes, so I didn't see what happened, but fighting between the shebab (Palestinian youth and young men) and the army soon broke out. According to many who were there, the Israeli Army began throwing sound bombs at the youth, and shooting live ammunition from the roofs. The shebab began throwing rocks and shooting firecrackers at the soldiers. For several hours, the clashes raged. Twenty two young men and teenagers were shot with live ammunition. Most were shot in the legs, one was shot in the abdomen. It is believed that one of the shebab was shot dead by the soldiers, but that as of yet is unconfirmed.

I went to a hospital with some of the ISMers, where we saw some very badly injured people. It was a terrible sight. The horror of the violence and death and suffering that is caused by the occupation is beyond words.

The photographs below were not taken by myself, but by Maciej Moskwa, a Polish freelance journalist, who very kindly and generously gave permission both for me, and the ISM, to use his photos. He placed himself in considerable physical risk, to get photos of the clashes. He has done the same in Syria, to bring attention to the horrors facing its people. He has my very deep respect and admiration. May God bless Maciej.

People in the crowd light torches before the beginning of the march (1)
Photo: Maciej Moskwa/TESTIGO

People in the crowd light torches before the beginning of the march (2)
Photo: Maciej Moskwa/TESTIGO

There were children among the protesters
Photo: Maciej Moskwa/TESTIGO

A girl with the word "Gaza" written on her face.
Photo: Maciej Moskwa/TESTIGO
There were many women among the demonstrators
Photo: Maciej Moskwa/TESTIGO

Clashes between the Shabab and Israeli Army (1)

Photo: Maciej Moskwa/TESTIGO

Clashes between Shabab and Israeli Army (2)
Photo: Maciej Moskwa/TESTIGO

A wounded Shabab is carried away by his friend
Photo: Maciej Moskwa/TESTIGO

A wounded young man is rushed into the hospital
Photo: Maciej Moskwa/TESTIGO

Palestinian protesters march with burning torches. The protest began as very loud, but peaceful.

Palestinian demonstrators watch as shebab and Israeli soldiers do battle. You can see firecrackers flying at the army from a distance. The army was shooting at them with rubber coated steel bullets, then moved on to live ammunition. Very many Palestinians were shot and badly wounded that night. None of the people pictured in the video were throwing rocks or engaged in clashes. Like me, they were watching what was happening.

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