Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Operation Bubbles

Yesterday (Monday July 28) was Eid... a Muslim holiday which marks the end of the Ramadan fast. This basically means that people can eat and drink during the day again, and in Hebron, you don't have to eat and drink in private as a non-Muslim (some people did fast also during this time, though it's not expected).

During Eid, we see Palestinians in Hebron walk around dressed up in their fine clothes, and the kids get presents. 

Most of the Palestinian kids play with toy guns and run around, shooting small pellets at each other and playing war.

Part of me is very sad seeing this, as if there isn't enough suffering and violence here already. It is probably to a part caused by what they see everyday. Also however, it is true that very many of my students in Canada (boys especially) spend their free time playing video games where basically the point is to blow up everyone on the screen, and where I live is not a warzone. 

Anyways, given how much fun we had with bubbles last night, it was only fitting that we would do so in the day also. So we launched Operation Bubbles. We had even more Palestinian kids come out, and had a great hour of fun. The soldiers at the checkpoint were watching us, and one of them I think was trying not to smile. They didn't give anyone any problems, like they didn't bug us a few nights ago when some Palestinians and us had a bit of a soccer game.

Some settlers walked by, and some looked at us with great annoyance. An hour or so later, we would learn the implications of this.

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